#DeadEndTours: T&W (eBook)


"Such a great original tale. I was captivated from the first chapter. If you're looking for something different, this tale fits the bill in every way. Ashley Lister is truly a master storyteller."
Amazon Reviewer: 5 Stars

CE3 were a company that produced incredibly advanced technology. They were working on groundbreaking developments in weaponry and transportation. And then, six months ago, without any warning, CE3 simply closed their doors and ceased trading.

Visiting the abandoned industrial site where CE3 used to reside, Billy, Tina and Cal think this might be the ideal location for the next #DeadEndTour urban exploration. All they need to do is research a little of the site’s history and confirm that there is no one, or no thing, still remaining on the premises.

It’s going to be a night of surprises that are out of this world.

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